Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Russ Cemetery

I love accidentally stumbling upon cemeteries, it's just the very best thing!
I found Russ Cemetery when I wasn't even looking for it, in fact, I didn't know it even existed yet! I was actually looking for Red Cloud Cemetery, but I had written my directions down incorrectly, and ended up on a back road...and I love some good back road exploring! So, there I was, drifting along the unplowed, ice covered back road when out of the corner of my eye I saw that little sign. The one in the picture above.
I jumped forth from my vehicle, planning to explore this exciting new cemetery. I cared not for the cold, biting wind. Then I looked down the pathway of pure ice, and couldn't even see where the actual cemetery was, and made the decision to get back into my car and come back in the spring!
So I did!
It can be a bit tricky to tell from this photo, but it is quite a bit of a walk through the woods before you actually reach the cemetery. You can't get lost, the path is clear and fenced in.
This is where the woodland path lets out, the bottom of a hill. Can you make out a few monuments at the top by the trees? This is an absolutely beautiful place, and whoever is taking care of it is doing a wonderful job.

The above pictures show what the cemetery looks like when you reach the top of the hill. Now, this is what an old cemetery should be. Someone is clearly taking care to restore, fix and maintain the headstones, but they also aren't moving them around. It maintains the feeling that this is how this place originally was. It's authentic. You know exactly where these people are buried.
William Hartford 1877-1940
Nellie Hartford, wife of William. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Bright.Died Sept 19, 1910. Aged 42 years.
The top part of a monument.
William Wellington(?)

William White, born 1825-died 1874
Elizabeth Kirkland, born 1828-
Thomas K., their son died April 16, 1874, aged 9 years.

John Prout, died April 23, 1873.
John A. Long, died Dec 27, 1857, aged 59 years.
John Thurston, died Dec 11, 1898, aged 81 years.
William Thurston, I think.
Another Thurston grave, but I can't make out any first names.

Elizabeth Miller, wife of William Porter. Aged 47 years.
William Porter, born June 29, 1860, died June 30, 1943.
Mariah 1858-1860
Martha 1853-1857
Melissa 1855-1856
Willie 1900
Frank 1900
There is one more name on this monument, but it is too weathered to read.
Elisha Porter, died Aug 12, 185?. Aged 65 years?
Electa Porter, died Feb 20, 1866.Aged 84 years.
Another Porter, can't make out the rest.
Smith Fox, died Oct 27, 1866. Aged 39 years.
Lucy Ann, his wife. Died Jan 1, 1858. Aged 23 years
Martha June Porter (or Martha Jane). Died Sept 9, 1867, aged 14 years
Merian Adelaide Porter, died Jan 25, 1866, aged 14 years.
George, died March 1878. Aged 84 years.
I can make out Lucinda, I think.
Unknown, though I can make out Elizabeth. I think there are two people listed here.
Martha, wife of William Joyce. Died Nov 29, aged 45 years.
William Sweet, died April 22, 1870, aged 39 years.
Melissa Porter, died Feb 13, 1856. Aged 1 year.
Annie, possibly.
Mary, wife of Johnathan Russ. Aged 20 years.
John Beswethleon, died Aug 4, 1886, Aged 79 years.
John Cocks, died Mar 24, 1870, aged 53 years.
Joseph H.
Elizabeth Cocks, died May 20, 187?
William Richey, died June 20, 1900. Aged 53 years.
I have never seen this design on a monument before. Very fancy!
John Riche, died Oct 8, 18??
Richard Carpenter, died Dec 3, 1888. Aged 37 years.
Joseph Tinney, died July 12, 1865. Aged 18 years.
Emma Elizabeth
Joseph Tinney died 1851
John Tinney died 1852
Richard Tinney died 1866
Children of William and Sarah Tinney
Sarah, wife of George W. Bradley, died April 11, 18??. Aged 23 years.
Possibly Robert and Elijah? Children of Robert and Ann Herren.
Mary Ann and Hailey?
Father, I can't read the inscription on this one.
George T. Pratt, 1865-1941
Elizabeth Ritchie, his wife, 1880-1950.
This is the final, and most recent, grave in the cemetery.

Russ Cemetery is a lovely place with some great history. I'm assuming it takes its name from the nearby Russ Creek, rather than the one "Russ" buried here, however for all I know Russ Creek could be named after that person. Remember, if you visit leave it the way you found it, or better. Take only photos.

Also, make sure you're wearing good footwear for a woodsy walk. I turned my ankle and fell on the way out, even though I was in running shoes. I fell stupidly too, arms all akimbo...did not catch myself, smacked my head into the dirt...nice place though!

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