Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Lawrence/Waddell Cemetery

Yes, yes I did find it.

But it was only by sheer luck. and a bit of determination, that I finally stumbled upon it. Having no actual map or GPS on my phone, I was driving blind. I had actually driven in and out of crazy-streets-Orono, and had given up and decided to head for a cemetery that I knew the location of, because I'd been there before. But I followed the wrong sign for the HWY 115, realised it before getting on the highway and needed to turn around. Then I noticed the road I was turning on was Lawrence road...and I was driving on Concession 5! The search was on! Then a few minutes down the road there it was!
From the road, all you can see is the sign and some bushes, but there are 3 large cairns behind said bushes, as well as a few standing monuments near them, and 4 more monuments right at the back of the cemetery.
This shot is taken from the road. It's a little hard to tell that there are 3 cairns, but there are. You can make out the large standing monument in the middle of the picture, near the bushes. If you look toward the middle far right you can also see 3 more standing monuments.
In memory of three children of James and Ellen Thompson:
Agnes, died Dec 29, 1862. Aged 22 years old
Ellen, died Nov 2, 1861. Aged 15 years old
Annie, died Sept 26, 1874. Aged 21 years old

Francis Albert, died June 28, 1863.
James Cowan, died June 24, 1872. Aged 21 years.
Elizabeth Cowan, died Juky9, 1866. Aged 20 years
Samuel Cowan, Aug 23, 1877. Aged 35 years
Martha Cowan, died Aug 31, 1872. Aged 19 years.
Children of Alexander and Sarah Cowan.
Margaret M. A. Carson, daughter of J.H. & R Carson. Died Oct 27, 1859. Aged 1 year.
Clara Mable, daughter of Calvin and Martha Hall, died Sept 28, 1867. Aged 4 months.
Jane McConnell, the wife of Samuel Johnston, died Feb 1, 1861. Aged 74 years.
Samuel Johnston, died Jan 14, 1862. Aged 88 years.
Natives of Ireland
James Little dates unknown.
William Little, died July 1, 1854. Aged 1 year
 Also two infants.
Children of John & A. Little
Martha Hellen, the wife of William Henery, died Sept 5, 1872. Aged 87 years.
Wilkinson, died 1847
Agnes Veronica, his wife, died Sept 4, 1858. Aged 70 years.
James Cowan, Mar 2, 1850. Aged 70 years.
Jane, the wife of John Hunter, died May 29, 1848.
Mary, Dec 2, 1839. Aged 1 year.
Mary Jane, Aug 18, 1847. Aged 1 year.
This monument has come loose from the cairn and is falling off.
Francis Moose, died 1860.
James, son of James and Marion Hetherington, died May 8, 1863. Aged 3 years.
Isabella and John, who died in infancy.
William McEnteers, died Sept 20, 1866. Aged 2 years.
Robert Ferguson, died April 30, 1864.Aged 59 years.Annie, the wife of Robert Ferguson, died Sept 1863. Aged 45 years.
Thomas, died Oct 10, 1852. Aged 11 months.
John Smith, died Aug 14, 1865.
Janet Smith, died Jan 13, 1866.
Thomas Waddell, a native of Lanark, Scotland. died Dec 20, 1858. Aged 57 years.
William Walls, died Dec 12, 1852. Aged 56 years.
I can't make out the name, but they died June 29, 1858. Aged 11 months.
John Sweet, died Oct 4, 1858. Aged 50 years. A native of England.
Maria Stalker, wife of John Reives. Died May 15, 1873. Aged 38 years. A native of Argyleshire, Scotland.
Mary Sommerville.
John, died Jan 27, 1863.
Alexander Cowan.
At the bottom, it reads Sarah Cowan, who is his wife. I don't know if this is also her monument.
Son of John and Maria Reive, died Oct 16, 1865. Aged 4 years.
Mary Stalker, died June 16, 1858. Aged 21 years. A native of Scotland.
James Little, died Dec 12, 1863. Aged 84 years.
Jane, wife o George Bigham, died April 10, 1862. Aged 28 years.
Also an Infant Son
John Jewell, died Dec 12, 1875. Aged 73 years.
Wilkinson, a native of Scotland, died Sept 28, 1852. Aged 70 years.
John Reive, a native of Scotland, died Feb 8, 1860. Aged 43 years.
Also an infant son.
Husband of Maria Reive.
John Reive, a native of the parish of Westerkirk, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Died April 6, 1853. Aged 65 years.
Willaim Rieve, died Oct 10, 1850. Aged 3 months.
Mary Reive, died Oct 11, 1851. Aged 1 month.
Isabella Dunn, the wife of Thomas Stewart, died July 18, 1865. Aged 71 years.
Thomas Stewart, died Sept 8, 1892. Aged 87 years.
Margaret McInnis, the wife of Donald Smith, died Jan 23, 1855. Aged 64 years.
Ann, daughter of Donald and Margaret Smith, died Sept 30, 1862. Aged 18 years.
Jennet Anderson, the wife of Buchan, died Sept 8, 1847. Aged 61 years.
Mary Jane, the wife of Ralph Stutt, died March 11, 1868.
Mary, daughter of M and Margaret Aitchinson, died July 11, 1852. Aged 2 months.
Mary, daughter of William and Agnes Reive, died July 10, 1848. Aged 1 day.
William, died July 21, 1849. Aged 4 days.
Hugh Simpson, died May 20, 1893. Aged 93 years.
William Jewell, died Aug 29, 1854. Aged 48 years.
Susannah, his wife, died 1882. Aged 73 years.

Notice the plaque below the names on the monuments, it reads:
"Monuments from Lawrence Presbyterian Cemetery. Cairn erected 1983".

Robina, daughter of Thomas Waddell, died July 10, 1847. Aged 2 years.
McNaughton, died July 18, 1853. Aged 3 years.
Flora, daughter of J&J Buchan, died Jan 18, 1864. Aged 16 years.
John Buchan, died Feb 15, 1865. Aged 47 years.
Barbara Jane, died May 15, 1865. Aged 9 months.
Robert, died Dec 22, 1860. Aged 83 years.
Janet, his wife.
Natives of Roxburghshire, Scotland.
Margaret Bawks.
Janet, died Dec 24, 1860. Aged 16 years.
Mary E,, died Aug 23, 1861. Aged 9 months.
Daughters of John and Jean Buchan.
Robert, son of Walter and Agnes Moffatt. Died June 1861. Aged 18 years.
Martha Davison, died June 29, 1837. Aged 75 years.
William Colvin, died Aug 20, 1865. Aged 32 years.
Sarah, daughter of George and Jane Fisherdied Aug 16, 1840. Aged 8 months.
Martin, son of George and Jane Fisher, died Feb 9, 1847. Aged 1 year.
Mary B, aged 10 years.
I can't make out the other name but aged 3 years.
Peter Bell, a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, died at Port Darlington March 19, 1853. Aged 28 years.
John Burgess, a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Died 1864.
Janet Harkness, a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, wife of John Burgess. Died Nov 5, 1840. Aged 31 years.
Willaim Rutherford, died Jan 28, 1875. Aged 51 years. A native of Roxburghshire, Scotland.
Wife of John Reive, a native of the Parish of Westerkirk, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Died Aug 2, 1854. Aged 65 years.
William Henry, died Jan 4, 1848. Aged 56 years.
Helen Mabon, the wife of William Laing, died Dec 2, 1852. Aged 75 years.
William Laing, a native of Berwickshire, Scotland. Died Feb 20, 1851. Aged 72 years.
John, died 1853.
George, died 1857.
Sons of J&J Dickinson.
Agnes Robertson, wife of Andrew Sommerville, a native of Berwickshire, Scotland. Died Sept 28, 187?. Aged 70 years.
John Carruthers, died Oct 7, 1861. Aged 15 years.
Margaret Glenny, died Mar 16, 1872. Aged 80 years.
John Davison.
Elizabeth Biship, the wife of A. Bawks, died Jan 31, 1871. Aged 61 years.
Mary Carruthers, the wife of James Burgess, died Jan 8, 1863.
James Burgess, a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Died Sept 27, 1859. Aged 47 years.
Mary Smith, the wife of John Banks, died Dec 8, 1869. Aged 22 years.
Wilkinson, at least 3 members of the family but I can't make out first names or dates.
Grace Cownlock, wife of James.
David, son of Thomas and Isabelle Stewart, died Oct 4, 1869. Aged 41 years.
William, died Nov 28, 1867. Aged 9 years.
William Bryden, died Sept 14, 1847. Aged 7 years.
Children of Robert and Jane Burgess.
Margaret Steuart, died Dec 1, 1904. Aged 70 years.
David Best, a native of Cornwall, England. Died Oct 29, 1859. Aged 67 years.
Margaret, the wife of David Best, died May 7, 1867. Aged 75 years.
Robert Stewart, died Nov 15, 1906. Aged 76 years.
Child of George and Flora Henry, died 1857 (possibly Margaret?).
Aged 20 years.
Sarah Livingston, the wife of William Livingston, died Jan 16, 1876. Aged 83 years.
John Hoskin, died May 7 1874. Aged 2 months.
Jenny Walter, died Aug 28, 1859. Aged 14 years.
Hugh Clarke.
William Gilbank, died July 30, 1855. Aged 29 years.
Henry Couch, died May 25, 1857. Aged 67 years.
Mary, the wife of Henry Couch, died April 1819. Aged 38 years.
Their grandchild, died Sept 1, 1876. Aged 4 weeks.
Wife of Isaac Sweet, died Feb 20, 1862.
Jane, their daughter, died May 23, 1862. Aged 17 years.
Elizabeth, the wife of John Simpson, died Jan 12, 1845. Aged 51 years.
William Kelley, died Jan 9, 1870. Aged 57 years.
Charles M. Eddy, died June 28, 1869. Aged 44 years.

William Cobbledick, a native of Cornwall, England. Died 1868. Aged 68 years,
Mary Ann, the wife of William Cobbledick, died Feb 11, 1860.
Margaret, the wife of John Cunningham, died June 7, 1867. Aged 76 years. A native of County Armagh, Ireland.
John Simpson, died Sept 17, 1860. Aged 27 years.
Eliza Jane.
S.B. Lyman, died June 19, 1857. Aged 20 years.
Robert Bailey, died Dec 19, 1855. Aged 25 years.
James Levingston, died Aug 20, 1852. Aged 25 years.
Sophia, wife of W. Woolridge. Died Oct 14, 1858. Aged 39 years.
Rebecca, wife of Nathaniel Powars.
John Cunningham, died Oct 8, 1851. Aged 51 years.
Mary, wife of Richard.

Zoa, the wife of Ira Eddy, died Dec 17, 1868. Aged 71 years.
Ira Eddy.
This is a huge monument. It is hard ti tell from the picture, but it is over double the size of a regular monument, and it's missing the bottom half.
Unknown. There are many partial stones on the cairn, left overs from previous vandalism at their old location in Orono.
Charles Hayward, died Feb 23, 1851. Aged 69 years.
Charles Jaynes, died July 12, 1873. Aged 80 years.
Jane, the wife of Charles Jaynes, died Feb 23, 1873. Aged 65 years.
Samuel, son of Robert Levingston, died Aug 29, 1852. Aged 2 years.
Samuel Clarke, died Oct 6, 1852. Aged 8 years.
William Levingston, died Feb 10, 1860. Aged 74 years.
Maria, wife of Albert.
Jonathan D., aged 12 years.
Wilhelmina, aged 5 months.
Phebe Jane, the wife of William Darling, died Aug 17, 1848. Aged 42 years.
Mattie, died April 25, 1863. Aged 1 years.
Harry, died Sept 13, 1862. Aged 13 years.
Children of  J.H. & L.J. Smale
E.A. Brown.
Hgh Hanes, died May 28, 1873. Aged 59 years.
William Lockwood, died Nov 23, 1868. Aged 51 years.
Sarah Ann, daughter of the above. Died March 30, 1864. Aged 3 years.
Died 1861, aged 3 years.
Sarah McMahon, died Mar 16, 1854. Aged 44 years.
William Lunn, Native of Ireland. 1822-Mar 12, 1860.
Thomas Miller, died Aug 8, 1853. Aged 32 years.
Elizabeth Fox, the wife of Charles Welsh, died Nov 26, 1869. Aged 21 years.
Mary, the wife of David Gain, died Nov 3, 1856. Aged 49 years.
Mary L. Kelley, the wife of Edward Biggs, died April 17, 1836. Aged 30 years.
Elizabeth M. J. Kelley, died June 4, 1845. Aged 3 years.
the next three monuments were probably original to this cemetery, and not moved here with the rest of the Old Orono Cemetery monuments.
William Pride, died June 2, 1881. Aged 80 years. A native of Fifeshire, Scotland.
Elizabeth, the wife of William Pride, died Oct 7, 1878.
William, son of William and Elizabeth Pride. Died 1854. Aged 11 months.
Another Pride monument, but I am unable to read it.

This is the view from the Cairns, looking towards the back of the cemetery. I'm assuming these monuments were the original ones on this property, as they are still standing in position, as well as far away from the Cairns.
Unknown, died Jan 25, 1875. Aged 91 years.
Agnes Purves, the wife of John Diyon, died Nov 25, 1884. Aged 80 years.
Also Willaim, Jan 13, 1844.
James Diyon, died April 30, 1878. Aged 66 years.
David, son of Thomas and Mary Waddell, died July 27, 1875. Aged 25 years.
Catharine, died Mar 2, 1857. Aged 19 years.
Robina, died July 10, 1847. Aged 2 years.
Jane, the wife of George Bigham, died April 10, 1862.
*Several of these people have their own monuments on the cairn*

As I mentioned in the Old Orono Cemetery post, the monuments on the cairn were moved to this location to prevent vandalism. I'm guessing they did a good job with that because no punk is going all the way out here to kick over a monument.

Also, it's interesting to take note of the number of monuments that state where the person was from, ex: a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland. You don't see that on modern monuments. Is that because of these days we're so diverse that we're just all Canadians now, and it's not important to state where we started? Many of us have families who have been here for several generations, some of us are more recent. I'm only second generation on both my parent's side, my mother's parents were from Ireland, my father's mother was from the Netherlands and my father was born in Scotland. We get new Canadians everyday. 150 years ago pretty much everyone was new, unless you were Aboriginal.

This cemetery needs a bit of maintenance, there are quite a few monuments coming loose from the cairns. Use caution when exploring!

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