Thursday, April 13, 2017

Hilyer's Cemetery

The day I stumbled upon this place was a great day for cemetery searching.

I had passed Bury's Green road many times, and it always drew me in, but I never caved and took the road.  Finally, one spring day just two years ago I finally took the plunge, and I am so glad I did. Not just one interesting cemetery, not two, but a total of five cemeteries were found that day. 3 of them on Bury's Green, one on an offshoot road and the other further North the road that Bury's Green comes out on. Three of which are pioneer and abandoned cemeteries, two that are active but have old graves. Also, I almost ran over a beaver. That wasn't a good part, but still...

I can find very little information about Hilyer's Cemetery. It is located in Somerville, on Bury's Green Road. It does have a sign but blink and you'll miss it. It only has one monument, and all information I can find save one website backs that up. Ontario Abandoned Places states two graves, on that had no writing on it. I, however, think the second grave is a footstone, not an actual grave based on the lack of any inscription, size, and placement. But that's just my opinion, not historical fact.
The cemetery is a fairly large lot considering that there is only one grave here. In this picture I'm standing at the back of the cemetery, looking towards the grave. It is right by the tree line on your right-hand side. Looks like a few small boulders from here.
A closer inspection shows that it is in fact the monument, it's just been knocked over.
At the time I took these pictures the "second grave" stone was sitting beside the other monument. You can see it on the left, it's that little leaning stone.
In memory of J.W. Howard, died Oct 311884. Aged 1 year. Son of Alfred S. Hilyer.

I wish I knew more. Why is this little baby boy buried all alone out here? If he is Alfred Hilyer's son, why is his last name Howard? Where are the other Hilyers? Anyone who can tell me will be rewarded with my everlasting love.

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